The Labour Department is responsible for control, monitoring & enforcement of Factories Acts and Rules, control of shops & establishments, labour conciliation, redressal of labour problems, industrial training, apprenticeship training and Employment Exchange.
The Department implements 27 Industrial and Labour Laws for the regulation of Industries and to promote the welfare of the workmen.
The foremost Acts implemented by the Department being the Factories Act, 1948, Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Trade Unions Act, 1926, Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986.
There are 2,663 Industries offering employment opportunities to 1,12,192 workmen.
There are 24,541 Shops and Establishments are functioning in the Union Territory which provide employment opportunities to 60,416 persons.
To promote harmonious employee-employer relationship with focus on skill development, welfare and prosperity. Guiding Principles.
Transparent, hassle free, digitized, time bound licensing system.
Proactive, preventive, mutual dialog based conciliation system.
Dignified, safe, outcome based working conditions.
To enhance the scale of skill development with improved placement by creating linkages with industry, training provider and the SSDM.
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Note: Content on this website is published and managed by Labour Department, Government of Puducherry
For any query regarding this website, please contact the web information manager: Shri.Y.L.N. Reddy (Labour Commissioner),
E-mail ID: lc[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in, Contact no: +91-413-2279211