History of The Office
The Conciliation Machinery functions as a separate entity since 1975-76 after it was bifurcated from the enforcement machinery. The Labour Officer (Conciliation) functions as the Head of Office of the Office of the Labour Officer (Conciliation)
Objectives and Functions of The Conciliation Machinery
The prime objective of the Office of the Labour Officer (Conciliation) is to take prompt and effective action pertaining to investigation and settlement of industrial disputes amicably so that "Industrial Harmony" shall be maintained among the industries in Union Territory of Puducherry. To mention in detail, the objectives are:-
To implement the following Central as well as State Acts
Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act 1946
The Act aims to achieve a laudable objective for the protection of labour by providing uniform and stable conditions of service. The Act requires employers of certain industrial establishments to clearly define the conditions of employment i.e. Standing Orders/Service Rules and to make them known to the workmen employed by them. If any dispute arises in relation to certified Standing Orders, the Conciliation Officer will intervene and settle the dispute in accordance with the Industrial Disputes Act 1947
Industrial Disputes Act 1947
The Industrial Disputes Act,1947 was enacted to secure industrial peace and harmony by providing machinery and procedure for the investigation and settlement of Industrial disputes by negotiations instead of by trial of strength through strikes and lock outs
An "industrial dispute" has three ingredients, viz:-
Puducherry Catering Establishments Act, 1964
The Labour Officer (Conciliation) is the appellate authority under the Puducherry Catering Establishments Act, 1964 and if any case is received under this Act, enquiries will be conducted and orders will be issued on merits
Other Matters
Every year, One Day Training Programmes on Industrial harmony are being conducted in order to create a conducive atmosphere in the Industrial arena. The Training Programme is also aimed to create awareness of the prevailing labour laws and ensuring the compliance by both the employers and employees. The Training Programme is conducted in co-ordination with Central Board for Workers' Education, Chennai. To encourage the Good Industrial Relationship between the workers and the Management, the "Good Industrial Relations Awards" are also presented to the winners every year
Guidance and Help
General Procedures
Responsibilities of The Public
Both employers and employees of an industrial establishment are regarded as two sides of the coin. On the one hand, a great social responsibility lies on the employers to improve the employment and other conditions of workers and on the other hand, a similar responsibility rests, with the employees also to co-operate whole-heartedly towards increased productivity. Both employers and employees are therefore required to help the conciliation Machinery by due observance of labour legislation in letter and spirit and by adopting the practice of give and take in settling their differences. Practical suggestion on the conciliation machinery is solicited from the concerned so as to improve its performance
Time Bound Clearnaces
Item | Forms to be Submitted | Authority / Office to be approached | Time Limit |
Industrial Disputes Act Settlement of Industrial Disputes |
Application in plain paper (in triplicate) |
Concerned Area Conciliation Officer | Within 14* days from the date of the Application |