Who's who | Official Website of Labour Department, Government of Puducherry, India

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Who's who

Sl.No. Name of the Official, Designation with
Office Address (Thiru / Tmt. / Selvi.)
Designation E-Mail
Office of the Labour Commissioner,
Labour Department Complex, Vazhudavur Road, Gandhi Nagar, Puducherry-605009.
Phone: +91-413 - 2279211
1. Shri. Jayanta Kumar Ray, I.A.S. Commissioner-cum-Secretary To Government (Labour) secylab[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
2. Shri. Yasam Lakshmi Narayana Reddy Commissioner of Labour /  Director of Employment and Training / Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers /Secretary (State Council of Vocational Trade) / State Apprenticeship Advisor / Chief Conciliation Officer / Registrar of Trade Union / Member Secretary - Puducherry Unorganized Labourers' Welfare Society. lc[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
3. Shri. S. Sandirakumaran Deputy Labour Commissioner / Under Secretary (Labour) / Deputy Director (Employment and Training) / Additional Commissioner, Workmen's Compensation / Conciliation Officer (Industrial Dispute) /Registering Officer (Contract Labour - R&A) / Appellate Authority (Payment of Gratuity) / Authority (Payment of Wages) dlc[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
4. Shri. N. Venkatasubramaniyan Senior Accounts Officer saolab[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
5. Shri. V. Sakthy Coumarane Superintendent (Accounts)
6. Shri. R. Govindarajou Superintendent (Secretariat Wing) labour-sect[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
7. Shri. S. Ravichandran Superintendent (Technical) labourtechnical[at]gmail[dot]com
8. Shri. K. Pradeep Kumar Assistant Inspector of Labour
9. Shri. B. Krishnamoorthy Assistant Inspector of Labour
10. Shri. S. Prabakaran Assistant Inspector of Labour
Office of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers,
Labour Department Complex, Vazhudaur Road, Gandhi Nagar, Puducherry - 605009
Phone: +91-413 - 2271868
1. Shri. P. Murugaiyan Joint Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers jcif[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
2. Shri. M. Murugan Medical Inspector of Factories
3. Shri. D.Kanagaraj Inspector of Factories ifcone[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
4. Shri. R.B. Gnanavelou Inspector of Factories
5. Shri. R.Murali Inspector of Factories aifcfour[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
6. Shri. G. Ramasamy Superintendent (IH)
Office of the Inspector of Factories, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Administrative Complex, Madagadi, Karaikal
1. Shri. S.K. Senthilvelan Inspector of Factories if[dot]kkl[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Government Industrial Training Institute for Men, Mettupalayam, Puducherry.
Phone No.: +91-413 - 2271063, 2273692, 2278903
1. Shri. D. Azhaganandhan Principal (I/c) gitim[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Government Industrial Training Institutes for Women, Vambakeerapalayam,Puducherry
Phone: +91-413 - 2341764, 2336437
1. Smt. S. Rukmani Principal gitiw[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Government Industrial Training Institute, Nettapakkam, Puducherry.
Phone: +91-413-2699401
1. Shri. P. Saravanan Principal (I/c) gitin[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Government Industrial Training Institute, Bahour, Puducherry.
1. Shri. D. Azhaganandhan Principal gitib[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Government Industrial Training Institute, Villianur, Puducherry.
1. Shri. P. Saravanan Principal (I/c) gitiv[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Government Industrial Training Institute for Men, T.R. Pattinam, Karaikal.
Phone: +91-4368 233411,233753
1. Smt. Sougouna Principal (I/c) gitim[dot]kkl[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Government Industrial Training Institute (Women), T.R. Pattinam, Karaikal.
Phone: +91-4368-234249, 234248
1. Shri. T. Sivakumar Principal (I/c) gitiw[dot]kkl[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Basic Training Centre, Karaikal
1. Smt. Sougouna btc[dot]kkl[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
1. Shri. Boopathy Group Instructor
Rajiv Gandhi Government Industrial Training Institute, Mahe
Phone: +91-490-2339711
1. Shri. P.T.Anoop Kumar Principal (I/c) rggiti[dot]mahe[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose Government Industrial Training Institute, Yanam
Phone: +91-884-2374001, 2324001
1. Shri. Chintapalli Krishna Sudhakar .V Principal (I/c) nscbgiti[dot]yanam[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
Employment Exchange, Ground Floor, Labour Department Complex, Gandhi Nagar, Vazhudavur Road, Puducherry.
Phone: +91-413-2274672
1. Smt. P. Vanaja Employment Officer ee[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
2. Shri. J. Jayachandiran Junior Employment Officer
3. Shri. M. Senthilkumar Junior Employment Officer
4. Shri. R. Selvam Employment Information Assistant
5. Shri. Kamaraj Gobou Employment Information Assistant
6. Smt. A. Lakshmi Priya Employment Information Assistant
7. Shri. M. Tiroumourougane Employment Information Assistant
8. Shri. M. Krishnaraj Employment Information Assistant
Special Employment Exchange for Differently Abled Persons, Ground Floor, Labour Department Complex, Gandhi Nagar, Vazhudavur Road, Puducherry 605009
1. Employment Officer (I/c) seedap[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
District Employment Exchange, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Administrative Complex, Madagadi, Karaikal
Phone: +91-4368-223842
1. Shri. V. Ravi Employment Officer (I/c) lo[dot]kkl[at]py[dot]gov[in]
2. Shri. A. Jamaludheen Employment Information Assistant
Town Employment Exchange, Mini Civil Station, Mahe
Phone: +91-490-2332560
1. Shri. N. Manoj Kumar Assistant Employment Officer (I/c) aeo[dot]mahe[at]py[dot]gov[in]
2. Shri. S. Kumar Employment Information Assistant
Town Employment Exchange, Mini Civil Station, Yanam
1. Shri. M. Vinayagamurthy Employment Information Assistant aeo[dot]yanam[at]py[dot]gov[in]
Office of the Labour Officer (Enforcement), III Floor, Labour Department Complex, Vazhudavur Road, Gandhi Nagar, Puducherry 605 009.
Phone: +91-413-2276120
1. Shri. S. Kannabiran Labour Officer (I/c) loe[at]py[dot]gov[in]
2. Smt. R. Anandhi Assistant Inspector of Labour
3. Shri. K. Tamizharasan Assistant Inspector of Labour
4. Shri. K. Rajkumar Assistant Inspector of Labour
5. Shri. B. Mahendra Varman Assistant Inspector of Labour
6. Shri. D. Dayanithi Assistant Inspector of Labour
Office of the Labour Officer (Conciliation) , Nehru Nagar, Puducherry. 605003
Phone: +91-413-2336337
1. Shri. S. Venkatesan Labour Officer (I/c) loc[at]py[dot]gov[in]
2. Smt. M. Kasthuri Assistant Inspector of Labour
3. S. Karthikeyan Assistant Inspector of Labour
Office of the Labour Officer (Welfare Schemes), III Floor, Labour Department Complex, Vazhudavur Road, Gandhi Nagar, Puducherry 605 009
Phone: +91-413-2277780
1. Shri. S. Kannabiran Labour Officer (I/c) lows[at]py[dot]gov[in]
2. Smt. R. Prasanna Devy` Assistant Inspector of Labour
Office of the Labour Officer, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Administrative Complex, Madagadi Karaikal
Phone: +91-413-222562
1. Shri. V. Ravi Labour Officer (I/c) loc[at]py[dot]gov[in]
2. Shri. C. Sambath kumar Assistant Inspector of Labour
3. Shri. S. Aroumougame Assistant Inspector of Labour
Office of the Assistant Inspector of Labour, Mini Civil Station, Mahe
1. Shri. N. Manoj Kumar Assistant Inspector of Labour ail[dot]mahe[at]py[dot]gov[in]
Office of the Assistant Inspector of Labour, Mini Civil Station, Yanam
1. Shri. S. Prabakaran Assistant Inspector of Labour ail[dot]yanam[at]py[dot]gov[in]
Office of the Assistant Director (Training), Labour Department Complex, Vazhudavur Road, Gandhi Nagar, Puducherry - 605009.
Phone: +91-413-2273275
1. Shri. P. Saravanan Assistant Director (Training) adt[at]py[dot]gov[in]
Puducherry Building Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, Puducherry.605006.
1. Shri. S. Ravichandran Labour Officer (I/c) pbcwwb[at]py[dot]gov[in]
2. Shri. C. Mounien Dit Sashti Kumaran Assistant Inspector of Labour
3. Shri. D. Ayappane Assistant Inspector of Labour
Puducherry Unorganised Labourer's Welfare Society, No.1, Rue Sufferen, Puducherry 605001
Phone: +91-413-220814
1. Shri. S. Venkatesan Labour Officer (I/c) lab-pulw[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in
2. Shri. D. Dayanithi Assistant Inspector of Labour
3. Smt. S. Priyadarshini Welfare Inspector
4. Shri. A. Ezhumalai Welfare Inspector
5. Shri. M. Vinayagamurthy Welfare Inspector
Puducherry Skill Development Society, II Floor, Labour Department, Gandhi Nagar, Vazhudhavur Road, Puducherry 605009
1. Shri. P. Saravanan Director pssdm[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in

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